
Schlagwort-Archive: Football


Listen (5 MB, 10:50 minutes)

The FIFA World Cup has chosen Italy as the world champion of football. Four weeks of football fun and party are over. Routine comes back again to Stuttgart and our lives everywhere else on the planet.
But we here in Stuttgart will never forget the great atmosphere you supporters brought to this city! Thank You.

The FIFA World Cup 2006 blog ends with this soundseeing tour but soundseeing stuttgart continues! 😉

I hope you enjoyed the tours and the time here in Stuttgart.

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (4,5 MB, 9:44 minutes)

The atmosphere at the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart was very much heated by the weather and the English fans. But when in the second half the long anticipated goal fell the screen on the Schlossplatz had a short failure (you hear it at 08:12). Well what a joy afterwards and the English fans finally woke up again.

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (5,6 MB, 12:01 minutes)

Strengthened with a great Gazpacho from Marina of „Cuisine from Spain„, my boyfriend Martin, the ticket-holder and I went to the Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion by S-Bahn. Starting from the Central Railway Station the S-Bahn was packed with fans who celebrated already inside the train.

Thousands of Spanish and Tunisian fans were to cue in-front of the security checkpoint where I had to stop and let them stream into the stadium. Good luck!

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (6 MB, 13:01 minutes)

An orange sea flooded the Fan-Fest on the Schlossplatz Friday night. Over 50,000 fans from the Netherlands and the Ivory Coast gathered and celebrated the match.

Some Dutch fans climbed the fountains and tried to cool down again. Even some pants came down! 😉

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (5,4 MB, 11:44 minutes)

The first Worldcup 2006 match here in Stuttgart took place just today: France v Switzerland.

A wonderful coincident that two of our direct neighbours met in the Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion. The atmosphere was great and the match really exciting, wasn’t it!

So, what to do after a (won) match? Just go to theFriedrichstraße which is a parallel street to the Königstraße right behind the glass cube of the Kunstmuseum. The victory corso is always there — no matter who won! 🙂

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (6,7 MB, 14:50 minutes)

Blue skies and 24° C at 9 p.m. We are not on holiday in Italy but at the Fan-Fest on the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart. It really has a great atmosphere with the three big screens and a lot of food and drinks. The match Argentina v Ivory Coast was really exciting to watch with thousands of peaceful fans.

Das Wetter ist ja nun wirklich ’ne Wucht! 24° C um 21:00 Uhr zum Anpfiff Argentinien : Elfenbeinküste sind echt unglaublich — besonders nach dem besch… Wetter der letzen Wochen.

Es war nicht so voll auf dem Schlossplatz, so dass man sich gut auf den Boden setzen konnte. Vielleicht bringst du dir eine Decke oder Jacke mit, um dich drauf zu setzen. Aber bei den Spielen, die jeder gucken will, wird’s mit dem Sitzen sicher nichts 😉

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (4,6 MB, 10:08 minutes)

Temperatures of 8° C and drizzle aren’t good friends for a grand opening. But things can only get better!

The Julius Bär See-Arena a kind of squeezed pitch bridge is situated in the Eckensee close to the Neues Schloss, Parliament and Staatstheater. With two grandstands, goal-bars and a VIP lounge the arena will certainly be a place to celebrate and chill out! Just some footsteps away from the public viewing on the Schlossplatz.

If you have any questions or suggestions just send me an E-Mail.


Listen (6,3 MB, 13:54 minutes)

Today I take you with me for a short walk to the Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion. It is rather easy to find your way and seat because the Officials in Stuttgart lead you with big signs and easy to understand maps.

I just found out the other day that even when you are arriving by car via motorway A81 and A8 they have put up signs to guide you to the stadium. Fantastic service! But keep in mind that the city will be jammed and better take public transportation.

I will post my photos of the signs and the way to the stadium on my Flickr-Page.

Get more background information on the FIFA World Cup from the coolgorilla web-site (iPod only) 😉

Wenn Du noch Fragen oder Anregungen hast, schreib‘ mir einfach eine E-Mail.


Listen (2,2 MB, 4:52 minutes)

So, finally the FIFA World Cup gets going! I saw an addition on the suburban-train line map just today which advised where to get off the train for the matches.

There are two stations that takes you close to the Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion:

  • get off at „Bad Cannstatt“ station when you got tickets for the left and southern areas
  • get off at „Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion“ station when you got tickets for the nothern and right areas

With your ticket you can ride the public transportation for free!

You can find information about the youth hostel on their web-site. There you can also start booking inquires for individuals, families or groups. And remember the youth hostel is newly refurbished and very close to the city-centre where the victories are celebrated 😉

Wenn Du noch Fragen oder Anregungen hast, schreib‘ mir einfach eine E-Mail.


Anhören (5,5 MB, 11:55 Minuten), Listen (5,5 MB, 11:55 Minutes)

Die Aufbauarbeiten am Fußball Globus in Stuttgart sind im vollen Gange. Sicherlich wird der Globus im Innenhof des Neuen Schlosses das Fotomotiv 2006 sein. Illuminiert am Abend und in der Nacht — ein visueller Anziehungspunkt im Zentrum.

Aber bitte nicht die Besucherschlangen vergessen, die sich über Fußball im Allgemeinen und die FIFA WM 2006 im Speziellen informieren möchten. So, wie ich mich kenne, werde ich dann doch auch anstehen und begeistert sein! 😉

Wenn Du noch Fragen oder Anregungen hast, schreib‘ mir einfach eine E-Mail.